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Tooth extractions in Bellflower are quite standard procedures that won't keep you for too long in the dentist's chair. The dentist pulls and removes the tooth from its socket and then asks you to bite down on a gauze to promote the formation of a blood clot. In some cases, if the tooth is impacted, the dentist will first need to open the gum a bit to be able to access the tooth. But, even then, the procedure is generally straightforward. 

However, even though a tooth extraction is a simple dental treatment, your body suffered a minor trauma and it will need some time to heal. 

So, here's what to expect during the healing process following a tooth extraction. 

What to Expect The Day of the Procedure

The dentist will numb your mouth before extracting the tooth, so you will only feel a bit of pressure. Once the anesthesia wears off, you may experience minor discomfort, swelling, or bleeding. 

If the discomfort is too intense, you can manage it with over-the-counter pain medication.

Try to take the day off and rest. Your body needs time to heal after the procedure. Moreover, engaging in straining activities may dislodge the blood clot and lead to a dry socket. 

What to Expect 1-2 Days after the Extraction

It's normal to continue experiencing swelling and pain one or two days after the extraction. Continue using OTC medication and cold packs to manage your pain. 

It's important to maintain good oral hygiene but avoid brushing the extraction site with a regular toothbrush or cleansing your mouth too vigorously. Instead, you should gently swish lukewarm water to remove any food residue. 

Eat soft foods and avoid using straws, which can dislodge the blood clot.

What to Expect 3 Days After the Extraction

By the third day, swelling should begin to subside, and pain should become more manageable. You can start to incorporate more solid foods into your diet, such as pasta, but you should still eat on the other side of the mouth to avoid dislodging the blood clot or getting food trapped in the extraction site. 

Continue practicing good oral hygiene, gently brushing around the extraction site. While the blood clot should be properly formed by now, it's still a good idea to avoid drinking through a straw, smoking, or any vigorous exercise.

What to Expect One Week After the Extraction

Most of the initial healing should be complete, and any remaining discomfort should be minimal. The extraction site will continue to heal over the next few weeks as new bone and gum tissue grow. Around this period, it's safe to return to your normal oral hygiene routine and regular diet.

Schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist to ensure proper healing and to discuss any additional treatment, like dental implants or braces.

Teeth Extractions in Bellflower 

Whether we're talking about a wisdom tooth that puts pressure on the neighboring teeth, a badly decayed tooth, or orthodontic treatment, extractions can be an essential part of your dental treatment. 

At Cedar Smiles Dentistry, you can rest assured that you will have a positive and comfortable experience from beginning to end. 

Get in touch with our team, tell us about your problem, and let us help you book your appointment. 

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